
Generic Healing

By Linda Mihalic

All healing is the outcome of metaphysical actions and principles at work. We are using the term "metaphysical" in its root sense of "beyond the physical." Each time you ask why or how something has occurred, you are asking a metaphysical question. Albert Einstein said that you can't solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it, which leads us to certain other ideas:

The need for healing indicates the presence of a problem. On earth, we recognize physical ailments and trauma, emotional upsets, psychological complexes, and mental illnesses. All these forms of illness have a common source, which is not in or of this world. To understand any form that illness takes, you must seek both the cause and the solution (healing) at the original Source, in the reality of Spirit and the realm of the living soul. The physical or material world is nothing but the heaviest or densest point of the soul's manifestation.

“Healing comes from the crown down and from the inside out.”

Viewed from a slightly different perspective, a physical illness starts with the soul's slightest deviance from God's perfect laws. You express these laws spiritually as obedience to law and perfect alignment with God, a state of syzygy. Healing comes from the crown down and from the inside out, from above the crown of your head, and from your heart out. Thus, in all cases, the original "germ" of illness begins in your spiritual state, not in the body. Whatever you see as disorder or disease is the trickle-down effect of a spiritual misalignment of the soul at the subsequent mental and emotional levels before it reaches the physical.

When you deviate from the Light as law, you give birth to your first illusion. You step from the absolute truth of reality into the relative truth of appearances. Absolute truth is God as immutable reality. The truth of appearances is always based on some limited notion or incomplete comprehension of reality.

When you deviate from alignment with law, your thinking becomes skewed. You pass into illusion and may fall down to delusion. When emotional instability interferes with thinking, the emotions profoundly impact the body's chemistry, which illustrates the trickle-down effect of misalignment. This incompleteness in our comprehension of reality is why Einstein was right in saying that you cannot solve problems at the level of their creation. You cannot understand the reality of health and wholeness by expecting to find their truth of being in this world. You can find healing only by seeking God where He dwells, in the Light.

Table of Contents

Generic Healing, Part I. October 4, 1988

[The type of disease under discussion here is chronic illness: "Acute illnesses are usually isolated to one bodily area and respond to treatment. In contrast, long-term conditions frequently involve multiple systems and have an uncertain future."[1]

Generic healing is like shopping among the non-branded bulk pack products at a supermarket, which are not name brands but are generally cheaper. Some people won't buy anything but name brand products, which they equate with high quality, although a wise shopper knows that many generic products are of equal quality and better bargains over time.

In scanning the shelves of a metaphysical bookstore recently, I created a list of 36 different methods of healing, including using Light, color, tone, breath, and various objects and movements guaranteed to heal. "Wear pink, it's good for you," they say. Other books advise what color ray to invoke through someone who needs healing. Red light will give you energy, and green fosters growth.

On the Via Christa, in the tradition of the Master, Jesus the Christ and Edna Lister, we deal in white Light. Nothing fancy, no brand name, just generic white Light: God's Light works. Using generic white Light, you won't invoke the wrong color when you don't really know what a person, situation, or animal needs, but just think you do. People live by the truth of appearances here in this world. Whatever you see here is only the final manifestation of something that actually has its source of being at a much higher level, so you are not seeing the absolute truth of reality, merely the relative truth of appearances.

“All healing comes under the Degree of the Adept.”

All healing comes under the Degree of the Adept, which is the third of seven degrees. Each degree has its own vow: As a Neophyte you vow to make your body a fitting dwelling place for my soul. As a Disciple you vow to surrender completely to become the servant of all the Power. As an Adept you vow to be selfless in my release of Power. As a Mystic you vow to keep your silence shining and golden. As a Master you vow to be master in all responsibility. As a Priest you vow to remain pure in heart, mind and purpose. Finally, as a Christos candidate for ascension, you make your supreme vow of complete surrender of self. You may expand or contract these seven vows to fit any need, and all other vows you may make are ancillary to them.

In healing, some practitioners use crystals to balance people's vital centers. In reality, the magnetic currents of earth rise through the feet and travel up the spine to nourish the vital centers from your right side; the etheric currents descend from outer space through the crown of your head to nourish the vital centers on your left side. The etheric currents may fill you as either a full-blown waterfall of Light, as just a trickle, or perhaps not at all. If your crown center is not open, you can develop only the first three vital centers fully, at the sacrum, lumbar (spleen), and solar plexus.

To have the first three vital centers whirling and functional will make you an Adept, but not much more. Unless you climb in soul ascension of consciousness, you will eventually, in perhaps a dozen incarnations, experience heart trouble, because you created a long history of building and inhabiting bodies that you have spiritually nourished only to the waistline. When you let the physical heart be a detriment, it taxes the desire body heart until you need physical healing. However, the original problem was a closed crown center. You can go to a skilled Adept practitioner who can open your crown center; you could enter the presence of a true Master and your crown may open. However, your task will be to remain open.

“A true Master never claims to be a Master.”

How can you identify a true Master? A true Master never claims to be a Master. When Jesus interacted with people as a healer, such as the woman with an issue of blood, recorded by Luke, he knew it and said, "I perceive that virtue is gone out of me." The "virtue" was the Power of Light moving through him to heal. The Light as Power is always moving freely through a true Master. You could enter the presence of such a Master and the Light he or she is invoking could descend through the crown of your head to heal you in every part.

According to the vows of the Seven Degrees of Initiation, you, as a Master of all responsibility, are the person responsible for making your body a fit dwelling place for your soul. If you ask or even pay someone else to open your vital centers, they may open them for an afternoon, a day or a week, but keeping them open is still your task. You must either learn how to do that for yourself, or remain in the presence of someone who can constantly do it for you. The skilled practitioners who are capable of opening your vital centers are Adepts who will charge you for that service, but unless you learn how to open them yourself, your centers will close again.

Going to someone else for healing may give a quick and often temporary fix, but not much more in the long run because you have done nothing for yourself. You have become nothing new because you are depending on someone else's ability to release Light and Power for you. Don't put yourself in such a position! Root out such needy dependence, and learn to solve your problem at a much higher level.

Some faith healers lay on hands, which may result in the supplicant being "slain in the Spirit," losing bodily control, but often experiencing healing, if merely temporarily. Again, this is something done to you, applied from the outside — nothing you have done for yourself. All healing imposed from the outside is only temporary unless your faith totally commits you to redeeming and cleansing your own life sparks of soul substance to attain the healing you so earnestly desire.

A faith healer may be the vehicle of healing power, yet the healing can last only as long as supplicant's desire for healing burns at white heat. That's another law of the universe: No free lunch exists. If you expect that someone else can or will give you a free ride, you are expecting to get something for nothing. Inevitably, the condition will return. You may become angry, believing the healing was not real, or the healer was a fraud, a charlatan.

“If you expect that someone else can or will give you a free ride,
you are expecting to get something for nothing.”

Judging the truth in such a case is difficult. Charlatans undoubtedly abound, yet to judge all healers as frauds is unfair. A lasting healing results when both healer and supplicant are faith-full and sincere. Further, despite the many charlatans out there, those who want a free lunch far outnumber them. So let us not judge them too harshly. In fact, let's skip judging them, because judging righteous judgment is so very difficult in this world of appearances.

Because our topic is healing, I will refer to the Master repeatedly. He is the first and only begotten Son, the Master of Universes, the Lord of All, the Master of Masters, and the author of perfect healing techniques. Early in her ascension career, Edna Lister vowed that she would follow only the teachings of the Bible, and the answers she received from our Lord in prayer.

In 1933, she gave an outstanding lecture, entitled God as Consciousness Appears as Form, in which she repeatedly said that you cannot have God and anything else, but only God as. God as omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence, is all the Mind, Substance, and Power in the Universe, and none of these principles is ever absent.

God comprises all substance in the universe, which is already perfect. No such thing as sick substance exists. All you can have are sick ideas or sick emotions. "Therefore," said Edna Lister, "what you really need to cure is the idea." This is so much more profound than any metaphysical twaddle. You are about to discover why you may never need another book on healing besides the Bible itself.

"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." – John 14:12-14.

God has endowed you from the beginning with all the traits of the Godhead. You are capable and can become skilled at doing the "greater works." Jesus taught the complete healing template in the four Gospels, especially in the Gospel of Luke. Luke was a physician, and he recorded eleven different stories about Jesus casting out devils, unclean spirits, and familiar spirits, the first type of healing miracle Jesus performed.

“The world urgently needs a ‘second coming’ of Christ's true teaching.”

Jesus rebuked illness, cleansed leprosy and cured all manners of physical infirmities, but more than anything else, he cast unclean spirits from people's minds and souls. Mental hospitals today are filled with people who urgently need aid in casting out the inner demons of self, and possessing entities from the outside. The world urgently needs a "second coming" of Christ's true teaching without learning fifty different techniques, or worrying about which technique will work best in a given situation.

You can choose from a virtual Chinese menu of healing techniques: mental healing, emotional healing, absentee healing, group healing, positive mental attitude, herbs, vitamins, nutrition, probiotics, homeopathy, naturopathy, oriental or allopathic medicine, kinesiology, polarity, reflexology, massotherapy and various other specialized forms of massage, myofascial therapy, acupressure, yoga and/or meditation in all its many forms, therapeutic touch, acupuncture, primal scream, various psychotherapies, awareness training, rebirthing, visualization, or affirmations, astrology, psychic healers, or the vital center cootie cleaners, to name just a few.

Depending on your preference, one of the above courses can cost anywhere between hundreds and tens of thousands of dollars. Generally, the longer a discipline has been "recognized" or "approved" by some "official organization," the more expensive it is.

Let's cut through the worldly details and do the generic approach. Let's go for healing in bulk pack! It's called white Light, and it's exciting. Ask for the Light to move through the person or situation — the perfect template for healing is, "All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." – Matthew 21:22.

The day I met Edna Lister, she said, "You could go home to God in an instant, if you loved God enough." I asked her about that privately, saying, "You said that as though you really believe it." She responded, "No! I know it." Then I made my first conscious vow, saying, "That's what I want. I want to go home to God." When you make such a vow, the universe takes you at your word and registers it as a vow of soul conquering. Mind you, this does not mean your path will be a bowl of pitted sweet cherries — far from it. Most souls back onto the path of ascension, being dragged by the scruff of their neck, kicking and screaming all the way home.

If you want it all, you must give all self to get it. As Edna Lister said, "You give an inch here, an inch there, and wonder why it takes so long." The Elect are remarkable in their dealings with God — they give Him their self one day and want it back the next. Little self says, "Well, I don't know, that's a really horrible ditch to be in, but climbing out of it might be harder — it's better just to stay here."

“Emotionality takes you nowhere.”

That brings us to the next point to remember regarding generic healing: You don't need to work for more wisdom or the ability to love. Most souls feel guilty about being incapable, as they see it, of loving enough. Emotionality takes you nowhere. Lotus Landis, who followed Edna Lister from 1933 on, said that emotional jags are the most common habit that hampers souls in their ascension climb. If you conquer self on those emotional ups and downs, you will balance yourself emotionally. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life has three pillars, right, left, and center, representing wisdom and love, with balance in the middle. If you work for balance, wisdom and love will manifest in perfect proportion on either side of the Tree. You simply need to follow the central pillar up to the Crown, all the way home.

The only begotten Son is the expression of the Word, the Logos, and of the principles of selflessness and joy. The Christ vibration also holds the principles of equilibrium, harmony, and balance. Christ preponderates in neither direction but remains totally balanced, which is the meaning of the term "Christing." Being Christed is being balanced at a point above susceptibility to emotional jags. Jesus walked earth in absolute dynamic equilibrium that attracted all unbalance to it, and he balanced the imbalance. That is healing.

As you observe the mass of humanity, you see that people divide themselves into two groups, two general types — emotional and intellectual. This apparent dichotomy between the emotional/devotional and rational/intellectual approach is the main reason for little or no accord in how to achieve integration, which is healing.

The emotional-devotional types will say, "Love is the answer." They will want to "visualize" and balance their vital centers. They will want to do what "feels good." The emotional type talks about how they feel about things. They choose psychotherapy because they feel that will help them to achieve balance. The most rigid of the intellectual type prefers to go to a regular MD. A more enlightened type becomes interested in herbs, vitamins and diet, perhaps macrobiotics. Technique, technique, technique: Give me the tools. I can do the job better than God, or prayer, or anyone else.

“Love is the answer, but you may need surgery, too.”

Edna Lister maintained that each of the disciples was a different character and personality type, each representing a sign of the zodiac, and that the four Gospel writers represented different types also. Luke and Matthew are intellectual, John and Mark, more devotional. John, for instance, was "the beloved disciple," who interpreted everything from the viewpoint of love.

Paul's Epistles are so often an intellectual interpretation of Jesus' message, and he constantly teaches technique. He teaches law and how to be disciplined. John teaches how to open up in devotion. John can teach you how to ascend in an instant on devotional love, while Paul teaches you how to ascend the cross one rung at a time on technique.

The Master taught ascension, which is raising your rate of vibration from here to there, all the way home. You can ascend in one of several ways — hard, slow, difficult, or quick. You can ascend the slow way, on a great spiral of ascension, taking the initiations one at a time, or you can take the seven great initiations straight up the Master's Path to the Source of all Light.

The Elect who are gathered together now were there 2,000 years ago in the Galilee, in Judea, and in Samaria. The Jews considered the Samaritans to be second class citizens, and the Samaritans despised the Jews in return. Yet, Jesus first proclaimed that he was the Messiah to a Samaritan woman of questionable repute, whom he met at the well at Sychar. His disciples were horrified to find him quietly talking with her when they returned from a food-buying expedition into town. Nice rabbis just didn't do that.

Jesus did and said many iconoclastic things. The term "iconoclastic" perfectly conveys the meaning of shattering old "icons" or ideas. This was one of the first instances in which Jesus overtly leveraged the worldly thought form of "woman" and her "place."

“Earth: A Universal Mental Ward”

We have touched briefly on many of the different alternatives to healing. One idea that arises continually is that logically (applying logic, reason, discernment, discrimination, and discretion), you don't go to a doctor unless you are sick or injured. You might go for a physical every occasionally, but usually do not unless you must for a job or insurance purposes. Why waste the money? It's expensive, and you have other things to spend your money on. So, folks usually don't go to a doctor unless they're sick.

Before you can understand the type and nature of the healing that Jesus practiced and taught, you must understand what "wellness" is. The statement I am about to make is iconoclastic: If you are on this planet, you are sick. If you were well, you would have no need ever to come to earth again.

As Edna Lister wrote in A Design for Ascension, "The greatest gift that you can give God is a perfectly healed consciousness." So long as you believe in anything of darkness, of illness, or anything negative, you believe that you have God and something else. Your consciousness must be totally, perfectly unified with that of the Master so that you see nothing but God as all that is.

The law of degree and kind is that everything is perfect right now and good after its degree and kind. Until you are that unified, you are still caught up in doing what it takes until you become what you must be. In other words, you still need techniques.

Ara: The Altar in the Skies

Altar in the Skies

In this diagram, the Moon represents the Neophyte, who is struggling to overcome his emotional volatility. Venus is the Disciple, who picks up his cross and follows Christ. Mars represents the Adept who vows to be selfless in his use of God's Power, but he still uses it rather than serving it. Most schools of thought will take you through the first three degrees, as far as the Adept Degree.

Mercury represents the Mystic Degree, where you stand in the abyss to becoming your own Oversoul. The lower trinity is of Man, the realm of Doing, where you live. The upper trinity is of the Soul, of Being. The Degrees in these two triad altars work exactly this way on earth. You can trace the way from Neophyte to Christos as you climb the Tree of Life.

At Mercury, in the abyss to becoming, you must finally integrate Edna Lister's work from A Design for Ascension. You are working to become a mediator, who stands at that point of contact between doing and being, and prays in the golden silence, in the midst of the abyss between here and there, at the point of consciousness and contact between the visible and the invisible worlds.

The heart is the vital center of the Mystic Degree. It does no good to try and write the law upon your heart when you are in the lower three degrees; it won't ascend you far enough. You must be in the abyss, at the point of being a catalyst between the inner and outer realities. From there, standing above the world of appearances, you can hold aside the veil that hides the unseen hidden world of true being and reality. From there you can see the path you need to take. Edna Lister said, "Only true prayer, as communion with God, can take you across that abyss."

The Light of the Christ forever pours forth from the apex of the upper triad altar of Being and illumines the path through all these degrees. To the Kabbalist, this is the lightning path ascending and descending both the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To ascend, you begin at the bottom with the Moon at the Neophyte Degree. You ascend to Venus, the Disciple, and cross over to Mars, the Adept. Then you ascend to Mercury in the abyss, to Saturn the Master, over to Jupiter the Priest, and up to the Sun as Christos. Thus, you climb the Tree of Life.

Altar in the Skies

The Ara diagram, collapsed down on itself becomes a Star of David, called the Magen David, the Shield of the Beloved. Consider what you could call into being in the world of Doing as you bring all seven of these degrees to fruition within your own being. Bridging the abyss is the inner significance of the Star of David. How glorious the day when you've earned the right to wear it, how marvelous, how exciting. The wall around the world will crack. You will hear the morning stars singing together from one end of the universe to the other!

The Star of David is an intensely powerful thought form, existing at many levels, of which you may perceive but a few. It's a symbol of David, the Beloved One. The Beloved is the Messiah, who is the sole occupant of the throne of David, the throne of Israel. David, being the Beloved, is the Messiah.

"And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" – Luke 2:46-49.

Jesus' first recorded speech (Luke 2:49) was to his mother, who had been frantically searching for him in Jerusalem, thinking that he was lost. They found the boy in the Temple, discussing the law with the old men who had made a life's work of studying Torah. In the Greek, his famous speech reads, "I must be in my Father," not "I must be about my Father's business." The word "business" does not apply for it is not there. Perhaps the translators didn't understand the concept: How can you be you and be in your Father? Yet he refers to being in the Father in other Gospels, John for example. He said, "Let my joy be in you that you may be filled." – John 15:1. "I am in my Father and my Father is in me." – John 14:11.

Jesus, at puberty (and this is a critical lesson regarding children), was already feeling the effect of the descent of the Light of his Oversoul star. He was already a Mystic, standing in the abyss, at the point between here and there. Immediately after this story in Luke, but more than ten years later, comes the recounting of his baptism:

"Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." – Luke 3:21-22.

Yet, we may also translate this passage as, "You are my son, the Beloved, and I delight in thee," which integrates it with many Old Testament references about the Beloved. Yes, Jesus stood in the center point of the Abyss to Becoming at the moment he was baptized. He spent many years as a Mystic, from age twelve until he was baptized, when he entered the upper triad. These are the "lost years" of Jesus' life, which he spent as a Mystic, communing with his Father. He said, "Don't you know, I must be in my Father."

In training children, parents among the Elect could take a lesson from his life, which is a living framework, a template, a plan of exactly how to do it right to open yourself to God and His reality. Nothing would be concealed from you.

The Star of David expresses and integrates the meaning of these degrees because it symbolizes the Beloved, a title of the Begotten Son. He taught this when he said, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.… Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am." – John 8:56, 58). Then they sought to stone him for what he said, but Jesus hid himself, by becoming invisible (John 8:59).

The mystery is so tremendous, yet so simple. The world does not see it because the thought of Jesus the Christ as the Only Begotten Son of God, as our bridge over the abyss, as the Master of Masters is still balanced by the thought forms of atheism, agnosticism, despair, greed, and earth's questionable joys. The Magen David is a great thought form, but here is an antithesis to it; who created that? What is a thought form?

A thought form is a construct in which you invest personal soul substance. Some people believe that they have a personal thought form that needs healing, independent from the world, but the thought forms are as generic as is healing, which is why so very few souls create anything original.

Let's examine the heart of a thought form … cancer, for example. What does it make you think? Malignancy, tumors, wasting, carnage, pain, suffering, and death. When you hear "cancer," you instantly think of those who have it and those who had it, how they suffered, how long it took them to die, what it did to their family. "How could that happen to such a good person?" … and, "Will it happen to me?"

“Cancer is the crucifixion of the flesh.”

Edna Lister called cancer the crucifixion of the flesh. Disease … dis-ease means "not comfortable, out of ease." "Dis" anything is out of its own position. She said, "If you have any kind of 'disposition,' you are not in your right place" — an insightful way of using language. The cancer thought form often appears as a black oozing blob or as molten lava that devours what is healthy. It can send out tiny thread-like tendrils. Cancer operates in the human body as a virus does, which appears spider-like with a mosquito's proboscis-like stinger. It searches the surface of a healthy cell until it finds a point of weakness into which it injects its own genetic material.

It lies to that cell, saying, "You are like me and shall replicate according to my pattern, which I am imposing on you." The cell, now lacking the integrity to stand, hold, and know its own perfection at its point of weakness, accepts the label the virus has given it and says, "Yes, I am you." This accurately describes the activity and function of "the Father of Lies," Belial, who also operates like a virus that has attacked human consciousness. Fear of cancer is one of its offspring. Belial is the author of every negative thought form. He designed them and holds their patents.

"Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." – John 8:42-44.

"Ye cannot hear my word" means, "You cannot stand to listen to my word." Jesus says that Belial "was a murderer from the beginning." Thought forms can murder hope, joy, health, friendship, love, and they'll move in wherever you are susceptible. Some teachers and healers speak of metaphysical reasons why people develop cancer, including hatred, resentment, and revenge. Whenever you mention "cancer," the thought form, in its stupidly omniscient way, sends its tendrils down to you as a single cell in the body of God. If it could speak, it would say, "Can I find a weak spot here, a point of entrance?" If it can, it enters in.

“You feed what you fear and what you hate.”

You feed what you fear and what you hate. You've fed negative thought forms with every negative emotional response you've ever felt about then, in every life you've ever lived. Many souls carry a primal memory of cancer; they know they've seen it happen but are unconscious that it was in other lives.

You may not be consciously aware, but appetitive soul is because it carries every memory from the beginning. It says, "Oh, the thing I fear. That would hurt my integrity." Yet appetitive soul still prompts the body to react as though everything that is not self is the enemy, so it can betray its own integrity by prompting the hold of negative emotions, desires, thinking, and imagination.

You must choose to turn your desires, thinking, and imagination up into the Light, which is no so easy since you have generously donated to these thought forms for so many lives. Where does this leave you? My first thought on understanding this was, "As an Adept, what can I do?" The answer is clear: Take what's yours from it, and give it to God for cleansing in the Light.

We shall do that now, together. You know your lines of Light. You know the people who are on them. You know everyone who has "it," has had it, or where it's questionable. You know those whom you think have a little hatred in their hearts, some resentment, perhaps a desire for revenge — and you know you. What can you do? Take back what is yours, and when you are finished with that, speak the Word for your brothers and sisters in Christ. If everyone in the world took back what was theirs, the thought forms would cease to exist. If the thought forms ceased to exist, truly we would have heaven on earth.

In generic healing, you go after the root cause. You now have an idea of what a "cancer" thought form looks like, and that you have fed it at one time or another. Raise your arms, bent at the elbows, hands cupped to form a chalice in front of you. Into your hands has been given the greatest tool that you could ever have. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." – John 8:32.

Your Guards, your Guardian Angels are with you at this moment and in all future moments, ready, prepared, and willing to help you. You need not remember all your own past darkness. Your Guards monitor that for you. Your task is to speak the Word to redeem your own soul substance. Speaking the Word is so powerful because you are applying the principle of the spoken Word, the Logos.

In this action, you become Christed in your own responsibility to redeem your self. You are truly picking up your cross and carrying it as you follow Christ. With this action you shall forever say, "Thank You for the glory of this soul freedom, Father."

This is only the first of the thought forms we will work on. We shall target everything Belial has created to plague and bedevil humanity. We know the enemy and declare, "Let there be Light!" We know the author of this illusion, and that in his heart of hearts even he begs to be redeemed. Just as we cannot return to God all in all, all in one, together — so long as this remains "out there," with his name and number associated with it, he cannot be healed either. Let us begin the greatest work that our Master, using Edna Lister, left to us — let us heal the damage of lies generically.

As you speak these words, you shall see your own soul substance returning to you, and you may notice how the thought form has shrunk. Later you can speak this treatment for everyone you know, individually, using their name. The treatment is so simple, yet effective as it starts the activity of healing as the white Light of the Christ moves through:

"Father, I now reach out with my arms of Light to gather together all my unwisely invested and misused soul substance life sparks from this thought form. I gather all this substance together, and ascend it unto Thee, oh Father, for cleansing and purification on Thy high altars of fire. Let this substance be returned to my Oversoul Star for investment in Thy perfect works. In all Thy names, so let it be. Amen."

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Generic Healing, Part II. November 1, 1988

Generic healing encompasses everything the world teaches as healing techniques, and melds and welds them into one great treatment, the use of the white Light of the Christ, which is as generic as it can get. Following is an excerpt of the manuscript for A Design for Ascension, which Edna Lister wrote in early 1941.

"The Laws of Substance: You can do only two things to substance; you can either cause the rate of vibration to expand by the application of heat, and therefore to become larger, or cause the rate of vibration to condense by the application of cold and thereby cause it to contract. To heal is to expand the rate of vibration of substance.

"Our basis for all healing is the fact that the white Light of the Christ can always melt anything that has been created into a state of 'ice,' and by raising the rate of its vibration with heat, can cause it to throb once more with the fullness of life. On so simple a basis does our concept of all healing rest. This concept cannot be altered by human intellect; it may only be applied to conditions and to circumstances."

When we speak of healing, usually we mean substance in form; yet all healing begins above and beyond the physical level. For instance, first you must believe that you can be healed. All illness starts as a mental fabrication, based on a spiritual misconception.

Obviously, you want to be perfectly healed, healthy, and happy. Yet you are still on earth because you still need healing. If you were were healed, you would not be here in the Quarantine Zone. Our planet has a giant "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. Earth is a sealed world because our true ailments, our illusions and delusions, are contagious!

“All illnesses grow from seeds of fear.”

An illness begins to "form" in Mind first, growing from seeds of fear. Most people fear pain, and the more you fear it, the worse it seems to hurt. To understand the nature of fear or pain you must know whether the episode is acute or chronic. An acute episode is a single sharply memorable experience. Chronic has the same root as the Latin chronos, or time, and means that the experience is recurring and typically spread over time.

Chronic low back pain is an epidemic globally, and is nearly endemic among those souls who desire to ascend in this life. The source of chronic low back pain is rooted in earlier lives when the soul tried to kill or forcibly control desire and physical appetites for sensation. Killing desire does not work, nor can it, no matter how hard you try — you simply increase the appetite for a particular sensation. This use of force on yourself creates frozen areas in the sacral and splenic vital and nerve centers; these cause the pain.

The way your heart beats and your lungs inhale and exhale illustrates how the principle of desire works within you. While you cannot kill desire, you can freeze it and create crystallization, little frozen areas in the vital centers. Ignoring the obvious will freeze the vital centers faster than anything else. Ignorance is crystallization. To ignore something is forcibly to decide to be ignorant of that thing.

Edna Lister wrote that the tribes of Israel are peculiar in that they seek to avoid conflict by ignoring it. They hope that what they ignore will perhaps go away. Nearly everyone shares this approach/avoidance problem — you approach, but before you get too close, you avoid it, wanting to be ignorant, which does not cure your crystallization.

The thymus gland begins to atrophy at puberty. When you begin to open the heart center under ascension, you reverse the atrophy. You must rejuvenate the thymus gland, a process that can be very painful. As the thymus enlarges, some people fear that they are suffering angina or a heart attack.

The thymus gland is the architect of the immune system and causes eternal youth to course through the body. Edna Lister treats much of this information in depth in her lectures "The Pioneering Mystic," "All Substance Is Universal," and "Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension."

Most people's vital centers work in a "hit or miss" fashion, or as well as the crystallization in them permits. If they are not functioning smoothly and perfectly, it means that crystallization exists in the mental body lotus center petals, which are supposed to be open, beautiful, tender, and flexible. Crystallization in the lotus centers indicates that the soul has a storehouse full of wrong or bad ideas, false beliefs that he wholeheartedly thinks are true.

We are speaking of difficulty not in just the physical body, but in the higher vehicles as well. In the physical body you can have the atrophy of certain glands or plexus centers; illnesses whose names include the components such as "stenosis" or "sclerosis" imply atrophy. For instance, multiple sclerosis is a hardening of the myelin sheath of the nerves. If you do not want to "feel it" or to process the impulses, if you do not want to feel anything for two or three incarnations, your choices may result in some sclerosis. This would be the metaphysical source of a subsequent physical illness in a person who chose not to feel things. Leprosy is a final end-stage outcome of desiring to be emotionally numb.

The tissues of every organ can harden, potentially. Every organ and gland in the body is associated with various "character traits" or habit patterns. The ancients knew that a planet rules every organ. God hardened Pharaoh's heart, and turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt. God was asking Pharaoh to "let the people go," to sacrifice, to give something up, to surrender the tribes. God was commanding him to be flexible and obedient to a source of Power and authority higher and greater than himself. Pharaoh rules the solar plexus center; as the self, he sits on the "throne of Satan," the adversary, the seat of intellect, the Adept's throne of control. God hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not "let the people go."

“Fear operates on the principle of contraction”

Fear is a way of hardening your heart; you may harden yourself against choosing to surrender. Some souls prefer to hold onto the little that they have for fear that it will be taken away and not be replaced with something bigger, better, brighter and shinier than what God is asking them to give up. Fear operates on the principle of contraction: The rate of vibration of substance begins to slow; it loses its flexibility, begins to harden. To overcome this, you must heat the substance. You can, for example, melt glass or metal down to slag by applying extreme, destructive heat. You can use so much force that you run more Power through your vital centers than God has designed them to take, so that you force a meltdown into crystallization.

Extreme force works in the same way that slowing the rate of vibration does, but this is the acute stage, whereas to crystallize under thoughts of less and less abundance, health, light, joy causes chronic crystallization. This illustrates the difference between an acute and a chronic problem. You could melt yourself down to slag in one lifetime simply by applying the Adept's desire to control to the nth degree as force. The Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz portrays this.

Edna Lister said the chronic cases simply "rest themselves to death" with such statements as "I'm tired. I'm dead." She said, "I am is a great name of God, which is the most powerful treatment you can use on yourself. To say, 'I am tired,' sends the Holy Breath out as a gray to black cloud. 'I am' never can be tired; a body can be, but not 'I am,' " which is the name of the higher creative centers in the brain, the glands that govern the body's interface with the soul and divine Mind, the mind that was in Christ Jesus.

Whining "I'm tiiiiired" is resting yourself to death, which causes the atoms of the mental body to deflate; less and less Power moves through, and you become harder and colder with less activity.

"You can err and lower substance's rate of vibration two ways: Through wrong, negative 'intellectual' thinking-planning, or through negative 'little self' directing-controlling. You can condense substance's state of being until it reaches the 'ice' stage, expressing as a complete paralysis of mind, body, or affairs." – Edna Lister, What Is Healing? May 17, 1960.

A "paralysis of mind" accurately describes the effect of the various forms of senile dementia. You can choose to listen to one of three "radio stations": WGOD radio, WSLF radio or WRLD radio. You must choose moment to moment, day by day what you listen to.

“Travel Advisory: Beware Radio Signal Pirates”

The bog of self is a swamp, a quagmire, an area in which losing your way, becoming stuck or sucked into quicksand is easy. When you tune into your own emotional negativity, you are only one degree removed from WRLD radio, the dregs of the "world mind" broadcast, and it breeds fear. Self then hijacks soul's signal. Some people say, "I have these thoughts of fear" or another negative emotion. They may not be your thoughts, because if you have tuned into self, you are very close to the WRLD channel.

How does all this relate to mental healing? People may be in mental hospitals or on drug therapy because they suffer from auditory hallucinations, hearing something that other people do not hear. Are they tuning in WRLD radio instead? Some people imagine that they have tuned into GOD radio, or listening to Jesus Christ, convinced that he is speaking to them alone, telling them to go here, do that. Such a steady diet of orders would make you an automaton, not free to choose.

Is your spiritual hearing impaired? Do you hear the Voice inwardly? Once you have begun making sacrifices of self, you begin to hear the voice of the Master, and it can come from many different directions. To gain this, you must be willing to make sacrifices of self, and you must pay in the coin of the realm by surrendering your selfishness to God.

One great sacrifice is to quit listening to WRLD radio. When those negative thoughts keeping coming, make a better choice about what you are listening to. This process produces no victims; you are free to choose what you listen to mentally. If you do not like what you are hearing, you can change that. Being afraid of what you hear will not help because fear further contracts your vibration. WRLD radio is the contraction point of the band, and WGOD radio is the expansion point.

“Learning to tune out the pain.”

Jessica Davis, who had become Edna Lister's student in 1945, lived for many years with a serious heart ailment, and suffered chronic angina, severe pain, associated with this heart condition. They had no drugs to give her and no surgery option then; she had to live with it. The quality of angina pain is excruciating, yet she it shrugged it off, saying, "You can get used to hanging, if you hang long enough." Most people had no idea that she had a serious heart condition. She did not broadcast it, nor did she play the victim. She enjoyed her life to the fullest, stayed tuned to WGOD radio, and lived in joy as far as she could maintain that state.

Jessica was one of the most disciplined souls I have ever known. She once said, "You don't have pain; pain has you. You either suffer the pain by collapsing under it, or expand to encompass it." She said that you can reduce chronic pain to a sensation of pressure. She also said that you could reduce the pain of an angina attack, which others have described as being stabbed with an ice pick, to a pinprick.

She was right — by expanding your consciousness using joy as your fuel, you can become so much larger than your physical body that what happens in the physical has no relative weight, importance, or acuteness in your overall being. You are simply too big for it to hurt you anymore.

In the instant the pain comes, you either go down under it in fear, or you conquer it. Pain warns you a split second before it arrives. If you fear pain, you contract. Yet you have a few seconds in which to choose to ascend and expand in consciousness, to release joy and Light that raise the rate of vibration in your body's substance to encompass and override the pain. You have exactly as much time as it takes for the signal to reach the brain and trigger a response. In that time, you can become too great for pain to touch. Pain is then such a minor part of your reality that it has no power over you, it's no longer that important.

You choose illness or you choose health. You choose pain or you choose comfort. As Edna Lister said, "Illness is dis-ease."

Fear feeds illness thought forms. Most thought forms are composed of fear, a certain phobia, or a prejudice, a hatred, which is nothing more than fear dressed in different rags. People become angry with what they fear, yet are too embarrassed to admit their fear. People also become angry with what they do not understand. These complex emotional issues are interrelated.

How can anything separate you from the love of God? Most souls are frightened to think that they are separate from God, which is the most prevalent mental illness on earth. Man tried to make God in his image instead of remembering that God made us in His image. Mistakenly, some believe 'What is not just like me, is less than I am.' They project this illusion onto the whole world.

Some people discriminate based on race because they fear difference, and they have done so since recorded history began. As social beings, people form into self-righteousness, egotistical groups. Self applies a pecking order relegating people to strict social strata because it makes their universe so much neater. Self sorts issues and people into pigeonholes, according to race, ethnicity, gender, age bias, weight/body size, intelligence, socioeconomic status, etc. You no longer need to think of them as individuals, since you know your group's proper opinion about their kind.

“Self applies a pecking order relegating others to strict social strata
because it makes their universe so much neater.”

Carried to its logical conclusion, this embodies the "less and less" plan for living. In just one incarnation, you could so hem yourself in with opinions and prejudices that you could create the need for another ten lifetimes! Each soul owns a lifetime subscription to at least one of these opinion/prejudice sets. Polarization separates people.

It's better to laugh than to cry, to love than to hate. To believe that something is unforgivable sets you in a high judgment seat. Lots of things happen that are unforgettable, and if you can remember it, you have not yet forgiven it. You unconsciously decide that certain things are unforgivable, since you remember them as traumatic. Thus, you polarize against them. Edna Lister said that to be healed, you can do only one thing:

"We have one task — to command and discipline ourselves to ignore all outer appearances … We ignore outer appearances of illness and pain, congestion or stagnation in personal affairs, losses instead of material gains. No matter how physically apparent or obvious it seems, look into the face of eternal reality where all is now possible, where all is now perfect." – Edna Lister, A Design for Ascension, 1941.

When you ignore outer appearances, you understand that the "unforgivable" is what you have chosen to hold a grudge about, to remember. If you make a concerted effort to remember that this is your choice, then you can choose to set this baggage down as it becomes lighter and less important.

Let's integrate both views of it: If an upsetting event happened when you were five, it planted the seed of a thought form. Any time you run across a rate of vibration even remotely close, your appetitive soul will instantly draw the comparison. Every time you brush against this in your daily life, you feed the thought form as you pay attention to it; you accept and affirm the thought form. If you don't question it, you are feeding it.

For example, at age five you experienced "Butch the bully," which created a personal thought form. An umbilicus, a cord connects your "Butch the bully" to a larger aggregate "aggressor" thought form, fed by many other people's personal thought forms and, in turn, feeding them. The "aggressor" thought form also links to the "cruelty" thought form, because the urge to cruelty feeds the urge to aggression and much aggressive behavior. The "hatred of cruelty" thought form lives next to the "cruelty" thought. So, whether you indulge in it or abhor it, you can link yourself to aggression and cruelty.

Some people talk about sins that are "unforgivable," and often quote Scripture to support their position. The "intolerance of murder" thought form sits next to the "murder" thought form. When Jesus said, "Judge not lest you be judged," he was really saying, "Do not feed either thought form" with an unrighteous judgment.

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" – Matthew 6:19-23.

“The single eye is God-focused.”

The single eye is God-focused. Your treasure is the substance that you might have invested in a thought form. You will crystallize your soul substance on one thought form or its opposite unless your eye of mind is so focused on God that heaven is the only place you are laying up treasure, and only then can your whole body be full of light. Then and only then can you be healed. "If the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" – Matthew 6:23.

Spending one incarnation in hatred could suck your soul dry of substance. This includes religious intolerance, because people who hate each other most found their hatred on religion. The worst forms of prejudice, racial hatred, and the devastation they create in their wake are based on the misapplication of the Word of God.

Polarization is utterly essential before you can understand anything; you must polarize it in your own mind and thinking, divide the Light from the dark. Yet you must eventually lift all that prejudice and polarization. Someone once asked Edna Lister, "I don't understand why God permits evil." Her response was, "Why, for the contrast!" You can never truly know the good unless life has exposed you to the not-good.

People are afraid that "this is the end." Many fear that evil is somehow winning the battle on this planet; they believe in the devil or Satan rising up to take over the world. Jesus vanquished him during his forty days in the wilderness. Evil attacks much more insidiously; WRLD radio must concern us much more. Evil cannot win, because once you have invoked the white Light of the Christ, its action is inevitable. Light works through any situation, creating perfection in its wake. Light converts everything into itself.

The faithful Elect declared Satan converted into Light long ago. We are not dealing with Satan (Adversary) or Lucifer (Bringer of Light), but with Belial, the Father of Lies. The world is prey mainly to the little devils of self. Work on the arbiter of hatred: WEVL radio, the black broadcasting station.

An even more efficient way of lifting is to focus on the thought form for heaven on earth. Withdraw the investment you've made in WRLD radio, in the world mind, since WRLD radio plays what is in the world mind. This process may take weeks during which you continue to become aware of what you need to lift.

Nothing in this process, no detail is too small to lift or from which to withdraw your soul substance. You can then speak the Word for all your loved ones, and those who are on your lines of Light. You may speak the Word for anyone, legally, if you preface your generic prayer with "let": "Let John's soul substance be gathered together …"

Do not pray, "Let him do this" or "Let her be like that," which may just be your opinion of what they ought to be doing, and invests your soul substance in them. Return instead to those original generic treatments: "This is good. Let there be Light." Every void in the universe must be filled with something – and the best filler is the white Light of the Christ.

Since we, the Elect, have bound most of our soul substance here on earth, we must free it here. If we bind it on earth, we bind it in heaven. If we free it on earth, we free it in heaven. We must keep returning to earth until we set free everything we have bound during these millions of years. Lotus Landis said, "We've already made ample investments in everything out here; we don't need to invest any more." The investments you have made in others cause you emotional pain when they do not perform up to your expectations or things do not work out as you thought they should.

Use the lifting soul substance treatment for your animals, your pets, for all the substance you have invested in them. Replace your substance with the white Light of the Christ and you will have done more to promote that animal in the kingdom than lifetimes of loving will do. You will have given them a start on the Path that is right for them. You can do this for all your animals that have passed over.

You can set so many of all those on your lines of responsibility free. You are not sloughing but lifting your responsibility, acknowledging what is occurring, and that you personally set it free forever out here.

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Generic Healing, Part III. November 15, 1988

The word "healing" comes from the root "hale," which means whole. Health means being whole, a state of unified integration of all parts. How many parts do you have, as a person? Today's metaphysical emphasis is on body, mind, and spirit. Why do people ignore soul? Spirit is the One, but soul is the many. Spirit is the Breath of Life, the Holy Breath, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Is the Holy Spirit soul? Soul substance is spiritual substance, but not all spiritual substance is soul substance. All souls are part of spirit, but you cannot define Spirit as soul.

Ascension is knowing how to ask the right question. Simply to accept the belief that soul and spirit are the same closes the question. Then you never again ask whether you really know what either is, or the difference between them. Are you comfortable hearing "body, mind, and spirit" without soul? A person can have a familiar spirit, spoken of in both the Old and the New Testaments. A person can have a demonic spirit, but that is not a demonic soul.

You have three levels of soul: appetitive soul, rational soul, and Oversoul — and four levels of body vehicles: cellular, molecular, atomic, and electronic. You have a fourth portion of soul in the life sparks you've invested in this planet. This is the pool of soul substance from which you build a body. When you enter the ark of the Mother as a fertilized egg in the womb, you gather your "animals two by two," which means that you gather your soul substance from the world and lead it into the ark to build a new physical body.

You also have three phases of mind: subconscious mind, conscious mind, and a a super-conscious portion of mind. Further, the whole world shares in what psychology terms the "collective unconscious," which we call the world mind. Do you feel as though your whole mind is right here, right now? You are fragmented if your consciousness has gaps. If you were integrated as one, here and now, the resulting explosion of Light would attract the world to you. It would mean that a messiah was among them.

"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." – Matthew 18:19-20.

Being "gathered together as one" means Christed consciousness is unifying all subsidiary portions. Each embodied soul is like a giant corporation, with subsidiary companies. Unfortunately, your right hand usually does not know what the left hand is doing. You may not know what is happening in all your spin-offs, your creations, the fragments of your whole.

“Mysticism strives for a state of whole, not fragmented consciousness.”

If you always knew, you would be omniscient as God's all-knowing Mind, operating in all ways, through all places and as all creation, conscious and unconscious. You would not then be unconscious. Being whole, you would have returned to the whole and would know it directly. The Mystic does commune directly with God in the golden silence. Mysticism is the experience of God directly, with no intermediary, no intervener, no intervening personality or state of consciousness. Mysticism strives for a state of whole, not fragmented consciousness, which is how the Master could say, "I and my father are one."

We consist of all these phases of body, emotions, mind, and soul, and Spirit is the unifier. Spirit teaches you, in your hour of need, what to do and what to say. "There is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." – Job 32:8. The "spirit in man" that Job spoke of makes of him a divine being. The spirit is not the soul or one of the higher portions of man. Spirit permeates everything, and is the unifying carrier of consciousness. Spirit is immanent, ready to burst forth and to become in every moment, ever-fresh, ever-new, vital and alive. Spirit stands at the door and knocks:

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." – Revelation 3:20.

In this verse, Jesus the Begotten Son spoke then of himself as the Holy Spirit because, being Logos, the Word, that is exactly what he is. In contrast, you now can see that you have some holes, some fragments, some parts that are not particularly well-integrated. Managing to bring all those parts together and make them a whole is your particular work.

Breathing, steady, slow deep breathing is always the first step in integrating your scattered parts. Every morning, before you get out of bed, make yourself into a five-pointed star in imitation your five-pointed star of the Oversoul. Breathe in deeply and call yourself by name, saying to yourself, "Linda, breathe into to your body. Breathe and possess your body right now." Be really wise and start your day by adding, "I am that Light, I am." You can give yourself a joy booster with, "I am that joy, I am."

This breathing method is especially important, Edna Lister said, if you awaken "low" in the morning; it means that you have gone to the altars during the night and reviewed the laws you have repudiated. Your Guards have shown you what it will take to achieve integration and you've responded with "Can't I play a little while longer?"

God does all the work in the universe. "My Father works hitherto." – John 5:17. My Father does the work. The Father uses Power as Light to do the work. You are a transformer/transducer of this Power. You take in Light at the highest level at which you are capable of functioning, and you transduce it as it moves through you to transform it down into a lesser level that the world can accept. To act as a power transformer, you must be well integrated, physically, emotionally, and mentally, because any lesser state will create a terrific imbalance. You may function Power only to the level of the appetitive soul you have sublimated. To sublimate the five senses, you first draw them in the past the point where the little self can use them, past the point of will and desire for self. Then the senses become strong pillars.

To sublimate means: sub = "up from under" plus limare = "to raise, to elevate; to strengthen the posts of the door." The two doorposts in this figurative metaphor are topped with a lintel, the golden bowl, your head and gateway to heaven. Sublimating the senses strengthens the doorposts. Then you must paint your doorposts with the "blood of the lamb" to provide for the Passover. Edna Lister said that it took Israel forty days to get out of Egypt, but forty years to get Egypt out of the Israelites, who are the Chosen or Elect.

Where are the Elect today? Each has his very own Land of Egypt. You have difficulty in integrating because the senses are still bound in the Land of Egypt, in the first three vital centers (sacral, splenic, and solar plexus). The appetitive soul sits as Pharaoh at the solar plexus and will not "let the people go." Every time you say, "I will, I won't, I can't, I don't," you manifest bondage in Egypt. The hallmark of appetitive soul is denial; it says, "Only I am a friend, everything else is an enemy. I believe me, but you I do not know about." Appetitive soul trusts nothing; it always says no first.

“Xeview each day, making it a day of judgment of self.”

A wise law says, "Review each day, making it a day of judgment of self." If you see a point where you were less than perfect in your expression of Light on earth, say, "Father, let the Light from my Oversoul star go forth to fill this void." Then you can repeat the treatment from reclaiming misused soul substance.

We need to redeem substance often because, as Edna Lister said, we have already invested enough in this planet. Even if you could unify your appetitive soul, rational soul, and Oversoul in two magnificent marriages of the Lamb, to become a perfect instrument of the will and desire of God, of Love, of Wisdom, and of Selflessness, you would still be bound to this planet by all of the soul substance that you have invested in objects, people, and situations. Everyone invests soul substance regularly through idle words, opinions, and prejudices.

The idea of separation led to the original misuse of Power in the Fall of Man. The idea that you are separate from God was the first lie Belial, the Father of Lies, told. Wisdom, Love and the Logos are the three Emanations of the Godhead, which is forever One, despite the appearance of the one predominating. By entering Creation, the Emanations manifest as Mind, Substance, and Power. Force results from the misuse of Power, and you misuse Power when you separate it from Mind and Substance. You can use, misuse, abuse, and not use Power. Using Power is acceptable up to the Adept Degree, which is exactly how far most souls have traveled. The Elect are well versed in using Power, and can misuse it to the degree of our knowledge of it.

Misusing Power has so horrified some souls that they are terrified about using it at all. They have paralyzed themselves into "I don't know what to do." Edna Lister observed that the Elect have developed such a desire to stay out of trouble that we ignore things in the hope that they will go away. You may ignore, but ignorance of the law is no excuse. To ignore a thing constantly, without lifting it, breeds ignorance. If you ignore long enough, your self-imposed ignorance will create a great deal of forgetting. It can create gaps in your consciousness. Then you are disintegrated, not whole.

To ignore a thing does not make it go away. When you turn away, or do not act when you should, you create the need to learn about the negative effects of such self-imposed noninvolvement. This happens whenever you repudiate your responsibility for lifting a person or situation on your lines of Light and responsibility, too. In short, ignoring your responsibility makes you liable for another earth life just to take care of business. The law is that if I "see it," it is mine to lift. That does not mean that I must go snooping in it or talk about it. All I need to do is to see it, fill it with Light, declare it good, and give it to God. Just speak the Word, "Father, this is Yours! Let there be Light!" Because whatever comes is yours to lift, even if you try to ignore it.

“If I ‘see it,’ it's mine to lift.”

Why does God permit evil to exist? Some say it's so we can learn lessons, or so we can know what the good is. Edna Lister said that evil exists because some souls choose it, and God must permit that as part of the gift of free will. She declared that evil is good for the contrast it provides as you learn discernment, discrimination, and discretion. The Elect are not finished learning, because we are not yet whole. If you still perceive yourself as separate from God, you are not yet healed into the wholeness of perfection!

Evil exists because some embodied souls make choices, consciously or unconsciously, that lead to evil. The possibility of evil exists as a consequence to God having given all souls the freedom to choose their own course in life. By choosing your own way you learn responsibility and consequences through experience. To divide is a synonym for to separate. People separate the world into "This is mine, but that is not. I can lift the effects of this evil, but that evil influence is not mine to lift. It's not in my job description."

Edna Lister called the Elect God's metaphysical cleaning service. We take in laundry, do windows, basements, pest control, draining cesspools — in short, every nasty job on earth that no one else wants to do. As the Elect, we must lift the metaphysical trash that no one else wants to be responsible for lifting into the Light. In fact, our hidden purpose is to lift all darkness in the name of Jesus the Christ. Many people want to discuss and accuse the darkness, point at and condemn it. They point to and name what they believe are its sources — communism, socialism, capitalism, materialism, secular humanism, fundamentalism, globalism. Someone is always willing to blame, but is someone always ready to lift? A good sense of humor is your best line of defense. Laughter shatters the darkness, the pessimism. Lifting is a serious business, but you can have a good time while you're doing it.

Healing means to be whole. From that idea, you can reach the truth that the ultimate wholeness is Oversoul "I AM" or Christed consciousness. You have a appetitive soul, a subconscious mind, an instinctive animal consciousness rooted in the limbic system of the brain, which houses the fight-flight response. Instinct is the level at which most souls generally function, because they have the ingrained habit of depending on the physical body, not ruling it. Unfortunately, the Elect also do this, more often than not.

You are supposed to choose with your intellectual, rational consciousness. Yet intellect can stultify the highest thoughts because it requires physical "proof" for everything. So a blazing intellect, while desirable, is not the ultimate goal. Even the greatest intellect cannot take you to a mystical experience. Intellect is a functioning of brain cells, and is locked within the skull. Intellect can take you as far as the step we call philosophy, but it cannot take you to God.

“Intellect alone cannot take you to God.”

In the realm of philosophy, you may theorize about God, about the nature of God, of spirit, of mind, of being, of substance, of principle. However, theories are not knowing; they are important steps along the way, but not direct knowing. You need to know directly, to apprehend, simply to be able to be whole, be home, be one. Yet even with spiritual consciousness that those things exist, you may not necessarily know everything about them.

We have only fragments of the truth teachings of former ages, just as we have only fragments of what Jesus the Christ said. We have fragments of teaching about what he said, which may or may not relate to what he really did say or what he meant by what he said. All we really have is 2,000 years of reports and opinions.

If wholeness is integration, which means to bring all the parts together into a whole, then truth is a necessary component for wholeness and healing. We need to know the truth. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." – John 8:32. Freedom is interconnected with health. We are obviously not yet free of this planet or we would not be incarnated here. Our invested soul substance is the tie that binds us to earth.

Edna Lister said that under the original Plan of Creation, God meant us to have one experience-lesson to cover each situation. Having many experiences of the same kind has been our choice, yours and mine. Now you have a plethora of experience, all on the same lessons. You have invested so much soul substance in all these lessons, you have further fragmented your consciousness. Some have spread themselves so thinly that they are like that man of whom Edna Lister said: "He gave away 'a piece of his mind' so often that he scarcely had enough to get through the day."

You may laugh at this idea, but it is based on truth. You can give away so much of your soul substance that you barely have enough to live on. Do you have enough to get through today? Do you have enough access to Mind to answer every question, moment to moment? Are you so attuned to the will of the Father that you know every answer as life poses the question?

Allopathic medicine and the alternative healing modalities have all placed so much emphasis on techniques for healing — surgery and drugs, laying on of hands, using objects such as crystals, rebirthing, past life regressions, going to a psychic or a trance channel for a diagnosis. A specialist in metaphysical correspondences, or a medical intuitive, can deduce from the nature of your physical ailment what is happening metaphysically and what you should be working on. Many "new age" techniques, such as creative visualization, color healing and psychic self-defense are not really new ideas, but were the subjects of books published in the 1920s and 1930s!

An adept believes that he must control the many layers of influence within reality. This is another attitude that separates your thinking into opinion fragments. Pay attention, neither adoring or ignoring it, but lift it with arms of Light. Light is the only armor and the only weapon that you need. Light, love, truth, and spirit form the whole armor of God described in Ephesians 6. Ask what in you needs to use all these techniques and devices, rather than to depend upon the white Light of the Christ. If you believe in God, do you need crystals? What is God? If you do not know what God is, you will still need crystals.

"God is everything" is an amorphous statement, though true: God is all that is. He is the crystals that some people use for healing. They believe that God is everywhere — but out there somewhere, and the crystal is the means they choose to connect with God. To think that you need any thing to get back to God is amazing when you thoroughly examine it.

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." – Luke 12:32. People believe they need tools because they are lazy or scared. Too many souls have separated themselves from God that they fear they cannot get back. You were intended to have a minimal number of experiences of a kind, but now you've had hundreds and lost your way, run out of bread crumbs like Hansel or Gretel. The way home is foggy and cloudy now.

When you misuse Power, you separate the Three-as-One — Mind forgets, Substance becomes dis-eased and Power is corrupted into force. The idea of separation led to the first misuse of Power on this planet. It's a very small step from using Power to misusing it — only a heartbeat away. You could be assured of never inadvertently misusing Power if you were completely conscious and knew the Father's will. That is your only safety and security in knowing that you are not misusing Power. Who can claim to be at that level of awareness?

“The sense of separation is the original sin that began with Belial's lie.”

The sense of separation is the original sin that began with Belial's lie. Then the great Councils of Light built of a wall of Light around the world. The embodied souls began believe in the barrier of Light more than they believed that Love could take them through the barrier. That's why we are still here. It's a matter of what you believe. You have never, ever been prisoners. As Paul said of Christ:

"When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." – Ephesians 4:8, 11-13.

Captivity is being imprisoned by something or someone. Man is captive to sin. We use the term poetically when we say, "It has captivated my senses." The language reveals that sensory experiences can enslave the five physical senses. This is bondage to sensory illusion, an offshoot of belief in separation. As embodied soul, we began to believe in the evidence of the five senses more than we believe in our souls. The five senses have no influence over the soul, but a near overwhelming influence over the physical body.

The parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins stand revealed: The five foolish virgins were the five physical senses captivated by the world. The five wise virgins were those who had their lamps trimmed, burning and ready for the bridegroom when he arrived. The five wise ones were the sublimated senses that the soul had brought into line with soul, lifted, and ascended. The soul had made them into tools to serve.

You have every tool you have ever needed, and the keys to them are all in your body. You have learned to believe that you need, and to trust in tools, because you now believe that you cannot do what you once did. Nothing has changed except your perception.

When you began filtering perceptions through the physical body, you mistakenly perceived that you had changed. Your senses were already lying to you; already you were forgetting who you really are, where we had come from, why we were here, what you were supposed to be doing, and how to get home. Perhaps you forgot how to get home first, then began believing in the wall around the world.

The earthly reality of ancient prehistoric times was like the desire plane is now. If you thought it, it could come into being. You changed locale, from here to there, by thought transference. The Elect did not arrive on this planet in spaceships. If you did not need weapons, you certainly did not need vehicles of conveyance, either. All those things belong to a tool-making, technological culture. God does not need a spaceship. The story in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis is different and much earlier than that of succeeding chapters. The sexes were not differentiated at the beginning of Genesis; by the end of the second chapter, they were.

Not everything you read in books about this prehistoric era deals with the descended Elect; much of that material deals with the developing, evolving children of earth. Refer to The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel, to Cosmic Memory by Rudolf Steiner, and An Occult History: From Sphinx to Christ by Édouard Schuré.

The Begotten Son has no need of being a material being again; he never did need to be material. He chose to come here and incarnate. Believing otherwise speaks to man's inner need to create a mythology to explain a mythology. If you cannot believe that you can be translated directly from here to there, you must add a tool, a machine, a conveyance to the story. So by the time we reached Atlantis, we needed tools, and we needed crystals. I look at crystals and such tools and ask myself, "Do I really need this?"

We developed a need for tools from the perception, the belief that we needed them — which was not necessarily a truth of reality, but a truth of appearance. Ask yourself, Do I perceive that I need a tool like that now? Jesus did not use crystals or other tools to heal. For example, he used his own spit to make a paste of mud to heal a blind man's vision. Edna Lister said that the Master did that to give the fellow something material to believe in, to overcome his lifelong belief in "blindness" ideas. Repeatedly in the Gospels, Jesus says, "Your faith has made you whole." A crystal did not do it, nor did the mud.

Speaking the Word to Heal

The Master often used the spoken Word in healing. "Man, thy sins are forgiven thee." – Luke 5:20. "Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house." – Luke 5:17-25. "Young man, I say unto thee, Arise!" – Luke 7:11-15, to restore the widow's son. "Maid, arise (Talitha cumi)" to raise Jairus' little girl from the dead. (Luke 8:40-42, 49-56.) Did he use Power when he said, "I will, be thou whole." – Matthew 8:3? No. He agreed with the man in need of the healing who had already expressed his belief that Jesus could heal him, his will that he be healed, and his desire that the Master heal him.

"And it came to pass … behold a man full of leprosy, who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if you will, you can make me clean. And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will: be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him." – Luke 5:12-13. This man had faith that Jesus could perform that miracle. This is the only instance where Jesus said, "I will" as he healed.

The woman, who had been ill with an issue of blood for eleven years, believed so completely, her faith was so perfect that she needed only to touch the hem of his garment. She did not need to touch him or to have him touch her. Yet she still needed an intermediary, so to her, Jesus was a tool. He did not know who had touched him, but he felt virtue go out of him. That virtue is the Power of the Light that heals. Through her faith, she had made a sight draft on the Power moving through him. A sight draft is like a cashier's check or a bearer bond, which is payable on presentation because real funds back it: "Pay to the Bearer: One Healing."

She presented her check to the Master and the virtue went out of him. The virtue that went out of him was the Power his knowing faith. She believed in him so completely, had such perfect faith in him that she wrote a check on his faith and he cashed it for her. The healing Light freed her. He told her, "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace." – Luke 8:48. As Messiah, "When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." – Ephesians 4:8, as illustrated in this story:

"He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God." – Luke 13:10-13.

Being ill is being held in thrall, in captivity, in bondage to something that really ought not to have power over you and in truth of reality, does not. Jesus taught that you must become Christed in consciousness and open a direct link to God yourself, yet still, to this day, people use him as their intermediary. People say they believe in Christ, but do they really believe in God?

If you truly believe everything the Master taught, you would not try to ride on his coat tails. That's like using him as a crystal. Some go on and on with affirmations about how Jesus is their savior, but that still does not pay their debts. Accepting Jesus as your savior is a good first step. As Edna Lister put it, being "saved" gives you enough credit to hold you while you pay your debts. In proof of this, it is well to remember:

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." – Matthew 5:17-18.

“Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Edna Lister said, "You must pay your debts." Your only choice is now or later. If you go back along your lines of Light at the end of the day, and see any thought, emotion, word or action that could create further debts for you, pay that debt! You do not want any voids, caused by misused substance, left at the end of the day, which is why you must declare, "Let the Light go forth to fill any voids I may have left today." Unless you use such a treatment daily for yourself, you could find yourself in ever greater captivity, which is how people end up living 40 years in the "land of bondage."

Another example of captivity is Lot's wife who was turned into a pillar of salt, the ultimate in crystallization. Lot's name means "starved, weakened, a dead end," something that cannot go anywhere else. Genesis 14 describes how Lot was taken captive by the Father of Lies, the ruler Bela (the root of Belial), meaning "devastating cruelty." Abram knew he must do something for his relative, so he chased the enemy as far as Dan and toward Enmishpat, which is kadesh (holy). The King of Sodom said, "I will let you have all the peoples' goods, if you will let me have the people," who in this instance are called "the captives" or "the deceived ones." From this you can clearly see that believing the lie makes you a deceived one, captive to the Father of Lies.

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Using real life examples of healing and prayer treatments makes them easier to relate to, and may provide some form of "proof" that the skeptic needs to see to believe it. It's one thing to hear some theory in abstract, nebulous terms, but another thing to cite a practical example that someone has experienced.

Yesterday, the mother of a high school student told me that her daughter had dropped four 40-pound weights on her foot, breaking it and causing such a contusion that the doctor could not yet put it in a cast. Obviously, the pain of the experience has been challenging. In our conversation, I said, "Let's make it pay a dividend." She asked, "How do we do that?" What an excellent question! How do you, in treating a situation for healing, make that experience pay a dividend for everyone concerned?

In this young lady's case, the weights dropped, cut her foot and broke it. No one will wave a magic wand and instantly knit those bones. The foot is swollen twice its normal size and is black and blue. That's the truth of appearance. The facts of the situation are that the girl dropped the weights, broke the bones of her foot, cutting and bruising it badly in the process. This action, dropping the weight, and the resulting reaction (broken bones, cuts and bruises) appear to represent force "happening" to her by accident, but really reflect force returning to her to be redeemed.

She injured her foot — the feet represent understanding or comprehension. Another important factor is, which side of the body is involved? It was her right foot. The right side is the worldly side, but the left side is spiritual. So, several elements are combined here: First is the girl's worldly understanding, her comprehension in the outer world. Second, she took back tremendous force, releasing some of her own captive soul substance. Third, the blow shattered old crystallization in her thinking and obedience to law (symbolized by bones) into chunks small enough for her to redeem the soul substance involved.

You can make this experience pay a dividend by declaring that all the crystallization in this soul's understanding within the world is broken, shattered, melted, dissolved, and absorbed in the white Light of the Christ. Speak the Word to set that soul free. Call the soul by name when you know it. Then do the lifting treatment for gathering together any and all misused and unwisely invested soul substance.

“Speak the Word to set the soul free.”

To make the experience pay a maximum dividend, also use this treatment for the soul's entire family, lifting everyone's reactions, opinions and emotional fears, the sympathy and the blame. Apply logic, reason, discernment, discrimination, and discretion to do this, to make it pay a dividend. Declare that the injury, break, and contusion are pure Spirit, period. This approach is more effective than simply praying that the swelling goes down. The swelling will disappear in its time at its proper rate of vibration.

Do not verbalize the details, how swollen it is or which bones are broken. God already knows what is wrong so you need not recreate it with words. You are merely speaking the Word for His healing power of Light to do the work. The girl's appetitive soul will handle the mechanics of healing the foot, because appetitive soul's job is to rebuild the body, moment to moment. By speaking the Word, you can help her lift her soul substance:

"I now reach out with arms of Light to gather together every life spark of Name's misused or unwisely invested soul substance, and lift it unto Thee, O Father. Let it be a consecrated offering on Thy high altars of fire, to be returned to Name for investment in Thy perfect works."

Thus, you give the individual the gift of returned soul substance. You speak the Word to initiate that process, and that substance can be used for a healing. You can declare that she is filled with the white Christ Light. Knowing the person or having a photo of them, actually to see them is ideal, but you do not need to have met them — a first name will do nicely.

You'll discover, as you go on, that the name comes to you, and will nag you. When it nags, Edna Lister said that it is another request, nonverbal, for treatment. Once you assume responsibility to treat someone in prayer, that responsibility remains yours. As often as that face or name comes, that is how often you treat. "Thank You, Father, that Name is perfect."

Your job is to provide praise, gratitude and thanksgiving that this miracle has occurred. The world does not know much about praise. People do not praise God enough. Praise releases substance, expands substance and raises its rate of vibration. Whenever you pray for someone, you must praise enough for them as well as for your own miracles. If they do not know how to praise God enough, and they probably do not, it is your job to keep thanking God that this miracle has occurred.

Edna Lister said, "Praise is a most marvelous treatment for both giver and receiver." You'll discover that you are so busy praising God for the miracles for which you've prayed, your praise will expand your vibration as well, even though the praise you are offering is for miracles for other people. The more unselfishly you act in this capacity, the greater the benefit to you because it fills your life with what Plato called "the beautiful." You are creating beauty, and soon, every area of your life will become beautiful.

“Don't forget to praise God for your blessings.”

When you start praising God and thanking, and become grateful for all the things He has given and the miracles He has granted, don't forget to praise Him for your own blessings. When you offer that much praise, all your own good comes to you. Praise is the secret of prosperity, not just demanding wealth, affirming for it for yourself or visualizing it. Edna Lister said, "Pray for everybody else; the more you pray for them, the greater your miracle will be."

You can't do anything as long as you are in the way. If you are concerned about what will happen to "poor little me," you choke your miracles the way a three-year-old may carry a kitten by the neck. You can have beautiful prayer molds, but choke them to death, which Edna Lister said was "over-loving the mold."

In running a race you must pace yourself well in the first laps; otherwise, you will not have enough energy left in the last laps to finish the race. In Æsop's fable of the tortoise and the hare, the moral is "The race is not always to the swift." The hare burned up all his energy beginning the race, and so lacked the staying power to win. That's what many souls may do in visualizing for a miracle. They burn out. Ask, What is the depth of my sincerity? Is it just a fad? Prayer, like any human communication, is subject to fads and trends, then there's the real McCoy. The Master warned against fads and trendy prayers or declarations that are tantamount to slang:

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him." – Matthew 6:5-8.

The most "real" prayers I have heard were simple — the most powerful prayer was simply an utterly heartfelt, "Thank You," spoken by a man whose wife had been healed of brain tumors, miraculously, the doctors said. His two words released such tremendous Power that my hair stood on end from the sudden shock of the grateful joy and love in his tone.

You might consider practicing making declarations. For instance, it's the Christmas season. You have a wish list that you can probably boil down into an all-encompassing declaration instead of many lesser ones. For example, say you are driving through a prosperous area and see a beautiful palatial home. Do you think, "Wow, I'd like to live in a place like that!" Or "Father, let me find access to the financial wherewithal to afford this lifestyle." Cover all the bases. You could own a huge house yet lack the money to run it. Think it through before you make declarations about what you think you want. You could wind up with the greatest car in the world but lack the money to pay the insurance on it.

A woman, professionally in sales, sees many people weekly. For some reason, they like to tell her all their woes. If she sees them often, they feel free to tell you again and again. Sometimes their stories really depress her. She asks, What do I do with all this bad news I am hearing?

First, never take on a load that is not yours. If you are also picking up their emotions, involuntarily, you are being involved in their lives. Your sole duty is to lift it in the moment you hear it. So you must know how to lift instantly, without taking "it" into our aura — "it" is the emotional load or our reaction to any story. This is the key to lifting: No matter what another brings to you, you may never take it on, because it isn't your burden.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." – Matthew 11:28-30.

Light is the only burden you may carry legally. If you are taking negative news into your aura, you are acting as an Adept, not as a Master. You "take it in" only if you work through the solar plexus center, acting as a controlling Adept. How do you apply logic, reason, discretion, discrimination and discernment to the question? What do you do with the fear-based negativity another presents to you? Redirection of their attention may work in the moment, but does not help to heal the situation in the long term. Begin treating the person mentally by lifting her life sparks of soul substance. You need not tell them about it or do it in their presence, but just speak the Word for the healing of their fear.

For instance, say that a professional martyr is involved in an unsatisfactory romantic relationship. An idiom says, "It takes two to tango." Every relationship is two-way, never black and white. In no human interaction is one person always right and the other always wrong; it takes two people feeding the situation, the monster in between. When she comes to you, chronically complaining about her boyfriend, do you try to reform her? Do you think it helps to try to change her mind: "Why are you going with that guy? He's a jerk! He treats you badly." She already knows that; she's in it for the pain, doing what she wants to do.

D.H. Lawrence wrote, "You think people should just do as they like. I think they always do." No matter how that martyr howls about how awful the situation is, she is there because she chooses to be there. It is not my job to tell her that, although at times I may ache to say, "Good Lord, I am so sick and tired of listening to this." Yet if I find myself thinking that, then I am feeding the monster, not lifting.

“Sympathy is nothing more than sloppy sentimentality.”

People remain in seemingly impossible situations because some part of them still needs to do so. It's important to recognize what is happening and not buy in on it or judge it unrighteously. No sympathy, no criticism — that's your job. Jessica Davis quoted Edna Lister when she said, "Sympathy is nothing more than sloppy sentimentality. When you allow sympathy to grip you, you invite getting your teeth kicked in."

Sympathy is a facet of "human nature": Appetitive soul loves to enlist a whole cadre of support in sympathy. When appetitive soul finally decides to grow up, it reevaluates all those who have supported its shenanigans as enablers. He who always sympathizes with you makes a weakling of you.

We've all known someone who complains about a brother or a sister, saying, "My brother does this" or, "My sister does that." If you, on the other hand, should say anything about that brother or sister, watch out! You are the next one up for criticism. They may say what they like, but you may not.

What is at work here? What is motivating appetitive soul to do that? Protection, defense, jealousy, possession, which? All of those answers are right. Jealousy likely comes first and is why they are carping. When they feel guilty, they must defend! Possession enters into it; people are quite proprietary about family.

Your task is to discern instantly what is at work in a specific situation. Take nothing at face value, for this is the world of illusion, the world of appearances where nothing is as simple as it looks. Logically, you want the facts. When you ask another for the facts, you may quickly discover how the "facts" are nothing more than their opinion. They may be prejudicial in their description. The martyr will paint her story in shades of loss, describing what others have taken from her. You may hear the heroics: "Well, I did everything I could." Those who wish to play a part may choose one many of appetitive soul roles.

Another true life case is this one: A young man in his thirties suffered an industrial accident that left him brain dead; he has been so for four years. He has a wife and four children. The doctors now advise turning off all the machines to let this man expire.

Imagine that his wife has come to you for advice and counsel on what to choose. This is the man she married, the father of her four children; he is her husband, lover, and life partner, the father of their family. How would you treat this if she came to you and asked, "What should I do?" What would you advise that she do? This scenario involves more than one ethical question. Where is the need for healing in it? How many elements do you see working in this situation?

The task is not deciding whether he can get better. He likely cannot return to functionality after four years in a vegetative state. The best treatment is seeing him whole and perfect in the arms of the Master and in God's eyes. He must be perfect there, on the inner, no matter what happens to the physical body. The body is mere substance, so we may use the treatment to lift his invested or misused life sparks from earth. This is the standard treatment in every case.

We have all invested more than enough of our own soul substance life sparks in this planet, in people and in things. Our task now is to replace all that personalized substance, stamped with our name and number, with the white Light of the Christ. This is the only way that we can float the ballast out of planet earth. We are the ballast, the dead weight, the drag anchor on this ship!

“All spiritual debt is based on a recorded experience
whose substrate is some soul's substance.”

All spiritual debt is based on a recorded experience whose substrate is some soul's substance, their life sparks. Your life spark-investments in other people carry over from one life to another. A Design for Ascension tells us that our Father's house must be totally satisfying to us before we are allowed to remain there. For, as long as even one thing of earth can draw us back, surely He must send us back. Think of greedy Uriah Heep, the character in Dickens' David Copperfield. His love of gold would be enough to draw him back to earth.

Another example of invested soul substance is a ghost, which is nothing more than some soul's investment in a house or other locale. Yet so much substance was invested that some others can actually see it. Ghost stories often revolve around the idea that the ghost has unfinished business. Spiritualist groups exist whose main business is to encourage the souls of the newly deceased to go on to the other side, without becoming earth-bound.

The best advice is to make sure that you build such a perfect "now" for yourself that you do not mortgage the future by not lifting. Lift your substance out and up the the altars of eternal flame. Bind yourself to nothing of earth. This is a very fine line, since many souls have serious earthly responsibilities — relationships, families, marriages, and children. How do you move through this maze without binding yourself by investing more of your own soul substance?

In this regard, let us revisit the case of the brain dead young father and husband: See him perfect before God, in the arms of the Master. Speak the Word to draw in all his invested soul substance, which could be why he still clings to the body. It could be that his wife is investing her soul substance in that body by still regarding it as him. When I asked her what aspect of the situation bothered her most, she broke down in ears and confessed that she feared she would be deserting him and that family and friends would judge her on that basis.

Then I asked whether she believed he was really still there. I went to get her a glass of water and to give her time to think. When I returned she was ready and further confessed that she really did not believe that he was there except for a few moments at a time once in a while. I encouraged her to talk about this until she had nothing more to say. Then I proceeded to confirm for her that he probably was in fact with the Master and on the other side of the veil. Then I proposed that she should enter the golden silence (explaining to her how to do that) to pray, asking God whether her husband was ready to go on to his future experiences and lessons.

About a week later she called to say that she had agreed to remove him from life support after talking with and praying with his parents and hers, and after explaining to their children that he had gone to be with God. That was three years ago, and she has since met another man, married him and they are raising the children together. So, you can see how complicated such a case becomes, which is why you may not assume that you can toss off a prayer treatment and be done with it, but must apply logic, reason, discernment, discrimination and discretion.

Remember, you developed all your presently usable brain cells in a previous incarnation, and you awaken those cells this time around. The percentage of new brain cells that you unfold and develop in this incarnation is your start-point for your next lifetime. So, to all your treatments for this man, add the declaration that his brain equipment is perfect and undiminished in capacity. Declare that Light heals every cell in his brain — declare it once, then thank God that it is so 1,000 times an hour and as often as it comes to mind.

It does not matter how this case appears on the outer, since you are working with the desire body substance; the desire body is a template, an overlay for the physical. Perfection exists at a much higher level than the physical, which is why you stress seeing him perfect in the Master's arms before God. If you make these declarations for his highest level of being, and remember that he is a flame and a fire before the throne of God, which is where you are working, then what it looks like out here does not matter.

“You are not praying for a human being, but for an immortal soul.”

You are not praying for a human being, but for an immortal soul. You do not need to have a physical miracle to have the most real and magnificent miracle of all — the miracle will trickle down from the spiritual to the physical level. Sometimes it appears in the physical, other times you never see it here, but that does not mean that the miracle has not occurred.

So far, your "what to do" list is composed primarily of "do nots" as you consider how to counsel with this man's confused wife. She is asking what she should do, but you may not tell another what to do. The best treatment for aiding a soul through his or her confusion is to broadcast: "Donna, go to the Master. He has your answers," or "John, go to the Father; He has your answers." You do not need to tell the person you are doing this. Edna Lister advised that if she comes to mind or you think about her morning, noon or night, then broadcast that often.

You can speak to someone like this through the ethers, and we call this "broadcasting." Continue until the person or situation no longer comes to mind. Regardless of outer appearance, if it comes to mind, it is still yours to lift. The person to whom you are broadcasting will "hear" it because they are praying, "Help me! Dear God, help me." From your perspective, broadcasting permits you to serve dynamically, without becoming too personally entangled. You will have acted as the Christ would have acted as you.

Jesus did not tell people how to live their lives, step by step. He dispensed advice in accord with law, in broad, general terms. The Lord's Christed Prayer that we use on the Via Christa is a magnificent example of "letting." It begins with praise, immediately:

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed is Thy name. Thy kingdom is come, Thy will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Thou hast given us, each day, our daily bread. Thou hast forgiven us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. Thou leadest us not into temptation, but deliverest us from all evil, for Thine is the kingdom, and Thine is the Power, and Thine is the glory, forever and ever, amen.

To declare that God's kingdom is come is an acknowledgment that the kingdom is right here, right now, and that the Father's will is what is being done here. This creates a state of knowingness, and is a most powerful declaration of the truth of reality versus the truth of appearances. No matter how people are exerting their will around the world, ultimately it must resolve into the will of God. You may twist the truth of reality only for the short term in this world of appearances, not into eternity.

What goes out to the periphery of creation must return to the Source eventually. You are all out here on a looooong rubber band — it seems to have stretched and taken such a long, long time, but eventually we are going home. As Edna Lister said, "We are going home. The only question is when, now or later?"

"Thou hast given us our daily bread" is an acknowledgment that all substance is universal, that God is everywhere evenly present and available, and that "I do, Father, have everything I need." He has already given you your daily bread. "Thou hast forgiven us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors." This is a very powerful prayer, which is all about states of being, states of consciousness. If you could live up to the Lord's Christed Prayer and what you declare each time you say it, you would have miracle after miracle, miracle upon miracle.

Eventually people pay so little attention to their rote prayer that it almost becomes a mantra. Yet you must pay attention to what your prayer says, so that instead of just parroting words, you become what the words say. Then you would find that going home is a simple affair.

“You become what the words of your prayer express.”

"Our daily bread" includes the answer to prayer. God answers prayer. So, dynamically you can say to this man's wife, "Let's go to God for this answer." She has already looked inside herself and found no answer. You never find the answer within self, yours or another's. You may hear the answer between your ears, inside the Holy of Holies in your "golden bowl," but that answer is issuing from a source much greater than self. You must become very quiet within in order to hear the answer, which this woman probably has not yet done. Do not commiserate, since that quickly creates a very negative symbiosis. You are so glad that is not happening to you!

A woman, whose car went under a truck, broke both legs, an arm, and sustained cosmetic damage to her face. Legs are your support; they are the means by which you stand upright and stride through the world. Her support has been shattered, and she must learn new ways of coping because the support mechanism she has always used are finished. She broke her right arm: the arm is for holding; it's how you hold and lift in the world. The right side is worldly/material and the left side is spiritual. The broken right arm reflects how she is carrying things to completion.

Declare that all this force she is taking back is perfect and pays all her force debts. Gather her misused and unwisely invested soul substance together, lift it for her, declaring it cleansed and purified, and returned to her Oversoul star for investment in God's perfect work.

Man or woman, it does not matter, cosmetic damage means that ego and self-image is at stake. Here you can speak the word for a person to have a maximum miracle. The face is the mask that you present to the world, your persona — how pretty, handsome or average you are. Most of us are probably a little more vain than we would like to admit.

It might be pleasing to be better-looking, but it's definitely not to be worse-looking. Given the choice of looking worse, you'd rather have what you have. This initiation is all about the possibility that "the little that you have is taken from you," which tremendously threatens ego and appetitive soul.

This is where you begin in speaking the Word for cosmetic damage. You need not tell the person, but declare this when you treat in private: "You are beautiful in the sight of God. You can let go of all past pretense, for the true beauty of your soul shines through the face you present to the world." Again, use the broadcasting treatment to tell them to go to the Master or to their Father, who is the source of solace.

Late one afternoon I received a phone call that my father had had a heart attack and was not expected to recover. They told me to come immediately, but it was a two-hour drive. How would you pray? Here is the treatment I used:

"Dad's heart beats with the heart of God," spoken in time with a normal heartbeat (68-72 beats per minute). Feel your own heartbeat, then say it in the same measure. It's a perfect treatment. Then you declare that he is perfect before God. Pray for your mother, your siblings, and for everyone's opinion about it. So many people will have something to say about your father's condition, most of it opinion and prejudice; it's your job to lift all that.

A great law says, "Agree with God (that this is good), adjust to man, and never argue." Resist the urge to argue with or to "correct" those who have an opinion about someone's physical condition. You can always get off the phone, saying, "I have to go now. I have an appointment." The minute you hang up, raise your hands, lift and pray — that way you'll keep your appointment with God for prayer.

Accuracy in speaking the Word for healing depends in large part on your knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. You ought to know the map of the human body as well as you know a map of the world. And you must be thoroughly familiar with a map of the world; otherwise how do you know where on the globe to direct Light for trouble in Indonesia or Côte d'Ivoire?

The spoken Word always comes to pass. A woman who claimed that she never felt pain of any kind, physical or emotional, finally felt enough pain to go to a doctor. She was diagnosed with tumors throughout her body, spine and bones, believed to have originated in the lungs. She is having a very difficult time acknowledging this.

“To deny evil is to feed it with your resistance.”

A law says, "Resist not evil." – Matthew 5:39 because to resist evil is to feed it; to deny it is to feed it. Denial feeds the negative side of the balance. In the first half of the 20th Century, the field of metaphysics spawned several movements devoted to denying the negative condition, followed by affirmations of the desired outcome. If you live by "resist not evil," you will have no need to deny or to confirm anything.

"I feel no pain" is a mind-set, a leftover from incarnations where one was busy demonstrating his faith in God (as a martyr) or in self (being above and beyond pain). Paralysis or the disease of leprosy is a final outcome of "I feel nothing." See this woman as being perfect and feeling the love of God. "Let Name feel the love of God. Let her know the warmth of Your wondrous love, O Father." Envision her on a cloud platform of Light, completely surrounded and filled with Light. Know that Light is all there is.

As Edna Lister said, you cannot have God and anything else. If this woman is on a cloud, completely surrounded and filled with Light only, and Light is all that is, then no cancer can exist. In doing this, you have now accepted the truth of reality without denying the appearance of the thing.

The absolute reality of the universe is that each of us is composed of Light. Your task is to see that universal and eternal truth. Do not accept or give room in your mind to the temporal illusion of the cancer thought form. If the soul has an incompletely integrated consciousness, the body will have an imperfect immune system and may manifest that as cancer.

This is how you can make a perfectly powerful declaration such as "You are perfect. No cancer exists." Others may look at you as if you have lost your mind, and they will, but how very powerful it is to speak the Word with your vocal cords to set the healing vibration in motion. What a marvelous gift to speak the Word directly to the person, even if he or she repudiates the gift. It doesn't matter how much they want to fret, fuss, fume and argue — truth is truth. Yet you do not need to speak directly to the one in need for the Word to begin working; you may do it alone, in private. However, you must speak the Word aloud.

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." – Isaiah 65:24. With the first glimmering of your intention to speak the Word, the healing has already commenced at the highest level possible, and the "trickle-down effect" will manifest it in the fullness of time, according to the laws of God. You may not put a time limit on it or pre-judge the outcome in any way. You have declared the miracle and it is. It is that simple. You know what is real. Your love of God is real. The substance of which you are composed, which is already as perfect as it ever can be, is real. In reality, you are here to fulfill a specific mission for the Father. You may or may not be conscious of what your mission is.

You are composed of the love of God, and function as the faith of God in action. Edna Lister has taught all of this. You are these facets of reality. She said, "We know that self will is not where we want to be functioning. Yet to do, to get into action, you must harness will and desire, and know how to direct your own will power." This is a tough and tricky point.

Higher law states that ultimately you may have no will but the will of God for you, and that your task is to unify your own personal will with the Father's will. Most souls slip and slide right off the straight track into the ditches and mud right here. Jesus illustrated how to handle the fear when he said, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." – Luke 22:42.

How do you speak the Word for healing without exercising self-will? Edna Lister gave us excellent treatments for it. Begin by declaring, "I already am what I need to be. I already have everything that I need." For instance, "I have wealth," or "I AM healed." The perfect way to make sure that your declarations are surrendered is to frame them this way: "I AM that Light, I AM. I AM that health, I AM."

To say, "I AM loves you into all wholeness," is a most powerful declaration. Edna Lister said that you could walk into complete chaos and mentally shout, "I AM now dwells in this holy place," then observe as the silence descends. None of these approaches includes denial. To say, "I AM now dwells in this holy place" proclaims God's poise and serenity as being paramount. As Edna Lister said, "We do not work for peace or patience, but for poise under the release of Power. The offspring of Poise and Power are the daughters Peace and Patience."

An excellent self-treatment is to go around the Zodiac, the first Wheel of Ezekiel, and claim the benefits of the twelve cardinal virtues. For example, faith is the cardinal virtue of Aries; thus, you would declare, "I AM that faith, I AM." This is a much better before-sleep exercise than counting sheep or replaying every event that irritated you and your ego throughout the day! Working on yourself first is a much better approach than chewing the cud or crabbing about others.

“Working on yourself is a much better approach than crabbing about others.”

"I AM that Light, I AM. I AM that love, I AM. I AM that joy, I AM. I AM that order, I AM. I AM that balance, I AM. I AM that harmony, I AM. I AM that peace, I AM. I AM that patience, I AM." — Make up the declarations you need, and do it for yourself, too. This is how you can and must personally work as an Adept. You must do it, and the trick is in doing it right, with self surrendered to soul, and in the Christed degree. So, you must be adept, but that is no place to stop. This is what you already are, what you have been for countless ages. You are the best God has.

You become a Christed Adept by aligning your will, which you must have, with the will of God. You can self-treat for this. Declare, "I AM that Light, I AM." The name "I AM THAT I AM" is a mystical name of God, the name spoken from the burning bush.

"I AM that I AM" sets a vibration, even when you say it in English, not Hebrew. It aligns all glands, nerve plexuses, the desire body vital centers and the mental body lotus centers. "I AM that I AM" is the All that Is, and you are parts of the All. This is how you may legally say as Jesus did, "I am in God. God is in me." This is God the many, and we are all parts of that whole.


1^ Murrow EJ, Oglesby FM. "Acute and chronic illness: similarities, differences and challenges." Orthopedic Nursing [01 Sep 1996, 15(5):47-51]

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Linda Mihalic
A Pioneering Mystic
successor to Edna Lister,
minister, teacher, and author

Note: Linda Mihalic delivered this lecture series on healing in the Autumn of 1988. Transcriber: Sherry Gordon.


The Compact Edition of The Oxford English Dictionary: 2 volumes. E.S.C. Weiner, editor. Oxford University Press, 1971.

The Holy Bible. King James Version (KJV).

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Good health and healing, which is the return to good health, is a matter is common sense.

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